Intro to Javascript

This is a basic introduction to JavaScript, which is the programming language of the web. The class is designed for anyone interested in developing a website, or creating an interactive data visualization. By the end of this course, you will be able to read JavaScript you find online and adapt it to your needs. You will also have an opportunity to work with common JavaScript libraries/tools and enhance your own research practices.
Table of Contents
1. Frontmatter
2. Introduction
Learning Outcomes / The Process of Learning a Language / Cool, Inspiring Libraries / JavaSCRIPT, not Java / ...3. Getting Started with JavaScript
Hello, World! / Data Types / Comparisons / Variables / ...4. If/Then
Thinking in Code / Prompts / If/Else Statements / Else If Statements / ...5. Loops and Arrays
Arrays / Accessing Values in an Array / Changing Values in an Array / Adding Values to an Array / ...6. Functions
What are Functions? / Calling a Function / Scope /var
/ ...